Special Event Station 161LV/PS303
From 01.01 time to time 31.12.2020 I will promote in the air, the memory of Polish pilots taking heroic service during the Battle of Britain II World War. This is the 80th anniversary of this event. Five years ago, you could also see in the ether my activation from the 75th anniversary of the same Battle for Britain. Unfortunately, the propagation conditions were very bad, the logbook from the 161LV/PFS303 is very short. I hope that the 80th anniversary logbook for 161LV/PS303 will be much longer!In the Battle of Britain, first four squadrons fought in the squad and then alongside the RAF: two bomber squadrons (300 and 301), two fighter squadrons (302 and 303) and 81 Polish pilots in British squadrons, a total of 145 Polish pilots (killed 28 excluding Josef František), which was 5% of the total number of RAF pilots participating in the battle. Poles reported shooting down about 170 and damage to 36 German aircraft, which was supposed to be about 12%. 303 Squadron was the best air unit that took part in the Battle of Britain - reported the shooting of 126 Luftwaffe machines.It is undeniable that the result of shooting down 302 and 303 Squadrons including pilots serving in British units is significantly overstated. According to Polish historian Jacek Kutzner 303. Fighter Squadron shot down 50-52 aircraft, according to many other Western historians 50-58. Still, the 303rd Squadron remains one of the best squadrons participating in the Battle of Britain. Source https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dywizjon_303
Log's Pins
Below is the banner from the event 161LV/PS303, the QSL card is already printed, but its view is a surprise for the person who wants to receive it!
This is the official banner for the event 161LV/PS303
Working conditions:
Antena: Skypper or Vertical 1/2 wave
As part of a special working DX stations 161LV/PS303. It is possible QSO digital transmission. The frequency at which it will listen and the ability to conduct a QSO 27.500 MHz USB PSK31, ROS 27.635 MHz USB, SSTV 27.700MHZ USB I invite all fans to digital communications with the station 161LV/PS303
Contribution for QSL cards 2$ or 2€ + SAE
PayPal is also accepted: tjakob@poczta.onet.pl (If you use PayPal You don't need to send Your own QSL card)
Address for QSL:
Mr Tomek
POBox: 5
Good luck!
From 01.01 time to time 31.12.2020 I will promote in the air, the memory of Polish pilots taking heroic service during the Battle of Britain II World War. This is the 80th anniversary of this event. Five years ago, you could also see in the ether my activation from the 75th anniversary of the same Battle for Britain. Unfortunately, the propagation conditions were very bad, the logbook from the 161LV/PFS303 is very short. I hope that the 80th anniversary logbook for 161LV/PS303 will be much longer!In the Battle of Britain, first four squadrons fought in the squad and then alongside the RAF: two bomber squadrons (300 and 301), two fighter squadrons (302 and 303) and 81 Polish pilots in British squadrons, a total of 145 Polish pilots (killed 28 excluding Josef František), which was 5% of the total number of RAF pilots participating in the battle. Poles reported shooting down about 170 and damage to 36 German aircraft, which was supposed to be about 12%. 303 Squadron was the best air unit that took part in the Battle of Britain - reported the shooting of 126 Luftwaffe machines.It is undeniable that the result of shooting down 302 and 303 Squadrons including pilots serving in British units is significantly overstated. According to Polish historian Jacek Kutzner 303. Fighter Squadron shot down 50-52 aircraft, according to many other Western historians 50-58. Still, the 303rd Squadron remains one of the best squadrons participating in the Battle of Britain. Source https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dywizjon_303
Log's Pins
Below is the banner from the event 161LV/PS303, the QSL card is already printed, but its view is a surprise for the person who wants to receive it!
This is the official banner for the event 161LV/PS303
Working conditions:
Antena: Skypper or Vertical 1/2 wave
As part of a special working DX stations 161LV/PS303. It is possible QSO digital transmission. The frequency at which it will listen and the ability to conduct a QSO 27.500 MHz USB PSK31, ROS 27.635 MHz USB, SSTV 27.700MHZ USB I invite all fans to digital communications with the station 161LV/PS303
Contribution for QSL cards 2$ or 2€ + SAE
PayPal is also accepted: tjakob@poczta.onet.pl (If you use PayPal You don't need to send Your own QSL card)
Address for QSL:
Mr Tomek
POBox: 5
Good luck!